A review by netflix_and_lil
The Children God Forgot by Graham Masterton


I picked this up without any idea what I was getting myself into. Sometimes that results in a flop, sometimes it results in finding my favourite book to this day ([b:Scenes of a Graphic Nature|52348961|Scenes of a Graphic Nature|Caroline O'Donoghue|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1584115963l/52348961._SY75_.jpg|77576840] shoutout) and I'd call this a solid C. All I wanted was some good ol' Lovecraftian body horror, and I got that plus a semi-compelling paranormal mystery. The police procedural elements felt out of place, considering how readily everything is accepted by the main characters despite it being clear their universes first experience with the paranormal. If the world had a history ofcrazy goings on, I might have believed the investigators could be making jokes and theorising about necromancy. Said investigators had little to no personality or history of their own, despite the male character being a bit of a wanker and inappropriate with his female co-investigator.

The horror scenes were written appropriately squeamishly, and I found many of the mystery elements compelling but with an ending that resolved far too quickly (and then tried to have its The End...? moment on top of that), I can't rate this any higher than mediocre.