A review by adw7984
You Take It from Here (Original) by Pamela Ribon


This book needs to come with a warning because I was crying so hard at the end of it! I have a love/hate relationship with books like this. I loved it because it was so well-written that I felt like I actually was friends with Danny and Smidge. I hated it because it was so freaking sad, I hate being sad!

Okay, I didn’t really hate it, but it really did affect me. How would you live your life if you knew it would be over soon? Smidge had a clear plan, but that plan did not include telling her family. I could not get on board with that, I thought she was being so selfish. Honestly, I don’t know how Danny put up with Smidge for too long…but on the other hand, they were best friends and that is what friends do!

I felt that Tucker was a little harsh with Danny, but he didn’t know the whole story and it’s easy to say why he felt that way. In fact, I felt a little guilty that I wanted Danny to drop Smidge and be with him…I mean she is dying, so that’s pretty low of me, right?

This was such a well-written, nicely paced book and since I’m a new Ribon reader, I cannot wait to read some of her other books! However, please take my warning if you are going to read this:

WARNING: This book will make you cry ugly tears, please read in private.

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic… All thoughts and opinions are my own.