A review by soulwinds
The Charmer in Chaps by Julia London


I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review

Okay, this book is actually pretty funny. I like Ella. She’s actually quite a little spitfire. I love the thoughts that go through her head, particularly at the beginning. When Luca Prince finds her stranded on the side of the road next to her broken down jeep in snow boots….man I had a good chuckle. When she realizes Luca has no idea who she is after stealing her first kiss as a teenager, she outraged. Hilariously so. Luca can’t figure out why she seems to be resistant to his charms… until he scares the dickens out of her sneaking up on her in his silent electric car while she’s surveying the new damage to her porch. Then he makes it his mission to befriend her and I dare say, fall for him like all the other girls.

I also find it interesting that the author gives Luca some serious hurdles to get over. Like his…well let’s call it a disorder that he is trying to overcome. Or his family, who refuse to take him seriously because he’s been such a playboy for all of these years. It’s a pretty refreshing take on the charming young man who will win our main lady’s heart. He is definitely not a perfect, princely, wealthy man. He has character flaws he is working to overcome.

And Ella is no Mary sue, even if Luca is intrigued with her because ‘she’s not like other women.’ She’s a foster child, given a gift of a run down house on a piece of gorgeous property, complete with a barn/garage that is leaning dangerously, a jeep that keeps breaking down, a stray dog who’s decided she owns him, and a pig that just randomly showed up and decided to call the place home…kinda funny. What’s not so funny, but more admirable is Ella’s struggle to make ends meet. She’s an account trying to get her business off the ground. As a result of her struggling business, she’s also a hostess at a local bar and grill.

This book is just refreshing. It’s a good contemporary, western-ish modern romance. The characters have flaws. They are completely believable.