A review by carol26388
Game of Cages by Harry Connolly


The next in my streak of reading books I’d rather not be reading. Remember when I said, “I don’t know why I do this to myself, I really don’t”? I still don’t know the general answer, but in this particular instance, I suspect the combination of series OCD, a suspicion that the books weren’t nearly as good as GR reviews claim, and Connelly’s strangely successful $50,000 kickstarter despite his publishing house dropping this series.

Second in the “Twenty Palaces” trilogy by Harry Connolly, Game of Cages essentially recycles the first book. If that distilled assessment sounds strangely similar to my review of Caliban’s War (which recycles Leviathan Wakes), that’s because it is. Authors! Something a little different for your sophomore effort, please! Since we’re all just recycling hacks here, I’ll just click over to my other review and cut and paste a bit…

This review, which may or may not reference drug use, The Yellow Submarine, foreigners that speak English in front of concealed heroes, and will generally pick apart the book until you can't possibly enjoy it, will be continued at http://clsiewert.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/game-of-cages-by-harry-connolly/
or, if you prefer: