A review by willdrown
Archie VS. Predator #2 by Alex de Campi, Rich Koslowski, Fernando Ruiz, Jason Millet, John Workman


The original Archie vs. Predator was a ridiculous but fun comic that felt brought on by a very implausible series of events. Why would Archie Comics allow horror writer Alex de Campi to make a book where their perpetually youthful heroes get their innards strewn about the place? How could it turn out so good?

Well, a sequel - Archie vs. Predator II - was even more improbable but, sadly, has not turned out as good. There are a lot of good ideas here - a crossover inside a crossover, the emoji-speak, ramping up the comedy. However, a lot of it feels way too simplistic and kooky. One moment that particularly stuck out to me was Betty seeing the Predator dogs and shouting "Doggos!" It feels like a very "this is what zoomers would totally do when seeing a blood-hungry beast" moment that was more "haha random" than actually funny. And the same applies to a lot of moments here, from Cheryl being dumb as a rock to Reggie suddenly trying to be a decent guy in a weirdly dramatic scene.

Plus, it's strange to say this about a book this out there... but it lacks cohesion and pace. The school massacre goes on forever while other characters walk around, try on outfits, have sex, ponder their life, fly off into space (without any point to it, which... okay?) There's just very little focus in this book, it's super-manic and all over the place. When it hits, it hits pretty well. When it misses, it falls off the Earth.