A review by booksbythecup
The Tragedy of Brady Sims by Ernest J. Gaines

In the pages of this novella, we learn about a man named Brady Sims. Moments after the trial and sentencing of his son, outside of the courthouse, Brady walks up and shoots his son dead. The deputies who had Brady:s son in custody are terrified. Brady tells the deputies to tell Mapes, the sheriff, to give him 2 hours before coming to arrest Brady.

If that's not a sit up in your chair and almost drop your tea cup, you tell me what is. It's been years since I've read Gaines, but I always remember feeling a memorable connection, brutal and raw depictions about life, especially life for black people in an unfair and unjust society. In this book, things are no different. Instead of hearing from Brady, we listen to the local community, black men in the barbershop, to find out about who Brady Sims was.