A review by screamdogreads
Ragged by Christopher Irvin


It truly is a fantastic feeling when a book you know nothing about, a book you've never even heard of, wows you, impresses you, and becomes one of your favorite reads of the month. This was my experience with Ragged. Having never even heard of the author before, what started as a cover buy that sat on my tbr shelf for months, turned into a book that contains everything I seek out, plenty of violence, a bleak and horrific storyline, and characters that captivate the soul. 

A cross between Fantastic Mr Fox and an extremely gritty detective noir, Ragged is a book that contains more humanity than most other novels, despite its characters being anything but human. This novel contains a deep sense of family, of community, of care for each other. Of course this also comes with long buried secrets bubbling to the surface. This may seem like it's something geared towards children, a whodunit full of walking, talking animals living out in the woods, but I can assure you, this book is absolutely not for kids. 

A fast moving and relatively short story that cuts deep, that hurts and shocks, Ragged is the book I never knew I needed.