A review by helensbookshelf
A Perfect Machine by Brett Alexander Savory


Hits the ground running and just doesn't stop!

A unique and original story, like nothing I've read before. The usual Sci-Fi cliches are avoided and it kept surprising me, I found that I couldn't predict anything that was going to happen.

Unfortunately that was partly because it gives no answers to the many questions it raises. What the hunt is for, who controls it, why the runners can recover from major injuries, why they are not really human - none of these are explained. If the answers were there in the book I didn't pick up on them.

It never fully explains the hunt - the story focuses around the 'ascension' of Henry and it doesn't show us much of the hunter and runner's world. I would have liked to see more of this, more of their society and their lives in it as I didn't really get a feel for what 'normal' is in this world.

The characters are likeable, and it's worth a read for how original the story is, but if you work out what it's all about please clue me in!

I received a free copy from NetGalley in return for an honest review.