A review by pause_theframe
The Conch Shell of Doom by Ryan Hill


This was a brilliant wee story. It is one of those books that approaches every day life challenges, such as getting through school, friends, family and other parts of growing up, but it does so in a way that is funny, light and very enjoyable.

I liked the characters in this book. There were a good variety of personalities, giving everyone someone they can connect to, like and dislike. The interaction between all of the different characters really helped to build this story. It round out the lives of the characters and really gave it that feel that you were dealing with daily life challenges, just with a little extra in the cast.

The pace of the book was excellent. It was fast, smart and had lots of snarky, witty comments, to really make it run. It didn't labour any points or try to drive home lessons, but instead got to the point of the lessons and how to deal with challenges, using the wit and hilarity needed to make it light and fun. The faster pace meant that it was easy to get hooked on the story and stay completely enthralled, until the final page.

This is a great read for young readers to enjoy, become a part of and really test their imaginations. It is books like this that will help the next generation of readers fall in love with books, just as I did.

Overall, a brilliant and exciting read. I highly recommend this to young readers and adults alike.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.