A review by errantdreams
Found You by Mary SanGiovanni


In The Hollower, there was one passage that was from the point of view of the faceless creature. This is hard to do well, as it can undermine the creepiness of a monster. SanGiovanni makes it work, however, and includes more of this in this volume. The new creature is a Primary, more powerful than the Secondary that our heroes fought before. It can affect the physical world in ways the Secondary couldn’t. This makes it seem unbeatable, but its weakness seems to be its need to feed on people’s insecurities and despair. That causes it to keep its prey alive beyond the point where its own hatred and rage cause it to want to kill them outright, giving our heroes time to find ways to fight.

The ending is a little quick and sudden, but somehow it works. Especially since I know there’s a book three in the series, which I’m looking forward to, although it’s hard to imagine how our heroes could possibly succeed against something even more dangerous! Dorrie is a little one-note in her weight obsession, but most of the characters have depth and a decent amount of background. This is an enjoyable creepy tale!

Consider my rating a 4.5
Original review posted on my blog: http://www.errantdreams.com/2019/02/review-found-you-mary-sangiovanni/