A review by lauraanne9
Compromised in Paradise by Samanthe Beck


***ARC Provided by the Publisher via NetGalley***

3.5 Stars

Brazen titles are expected to be on the erotic side, and to be focused on sex and moving from one sexy encounter to the next. And, this one was exactly that, but with the fun twist of Nick helping Arden work through her stress related inability to have an orgasm.

I thought the premise was fun, and it gave the movement from one sex scene to the other a reason, and it gave the story more plot than a lot of the more erotic titles. It also matters that you really like Nick and Arden, you want to get to know them, and you want things to work out for them (even if that does mean her father is right).

The writing was good and the pacing worked, the sex scenes were placed with enough romance and enough character development that they moved the story along. And, the sex is hot...which is important for a more erotic story.

Was this the most emotionally wrenching book I have ever read? No. Was it a good time with a couple of likeable characters and some really hot sex? yes.

I recommend this title.