A review by daviddavidkatzman
The House of Writers by M.J. Nicholls


Disclaimer: I was asked to read this book pre-publication by the author and publisher to provide a promotional quote. I stand by my comments; I loved this book. Here's what I said:

I could be wrong, but I believe this novel was transmitted into the author's mind by the illegitimate love child of Bill Hicks and David Foster Wallace. Like a proverbial middle finger to the middlebrow, M.J. Nicholls has given himself the Herculean task of making fiction matter. Usurped by hacks and the hyperactivity of hyperlinks, meaningful stories have become exceedingly rare. Or, even worse, are rarely read because who got time for dat? Enter this rare novel that wages war on corporate mediocrity in a fantastical future where books are reduced to ego strokes commissioned by rich fucks. Fiction to match your sofa. Fortunately, Nicholls shreds the commoditization of our existence like a literary Tasmanian devil with razor sharp wit. Fierce​, original and delirious, The House of Writers is a comedic masterwork that defies convention.