A review by jseymour2000
Scion of the Fox by S.M. Beiko


Edit #2:

I gave this book 4 stars. Scion of the Fox was unexpected. after trying to read the eARC and having an impossible time doing so, I didn’t have very high hopes for the rest of it. However, the author completely turned that around. I loved this book. It was full of complex characters and the thickest of plots, and a relationship that I’m not sure will ever even happen, but I’m really excited for.

I was kind of stupid and I read someone else’s review before finishing this book. I know, that’s the number 1 no no for book reviewing, but I was looking for something specific (I didn’t find it), but I am happy to report that I didn’t actually agree with this other review of the book. That review was a bit negative, especially about the ending of the book. I however think it ended on a good note. It was left a bit open ended because this is going to be a series and the epilogue was there to get you even more excited for the next book in the series.

Roan was a character that I needed a bit of getting used to, but once that was all said and done with I grew to love her as a character. She wasn’t annoying or overly rude. She had no sense of entitlement or whiny at all. I genuinely liked her as a character. Reading the first chapter snippet of the second book at the end of this book, it doesn’t seem like she’ll be in it, or she may come in later. It really isn’t clear as of yet, but I really hope she is in the next one because I don’t think I’m done with her quite yet.

I like the dynamic going on between Roan and Eli. They spent most of the book hating each other and fighting, not just in the “I like you so I’m going to pick on you” kind of way, I mean the “I’m going to actively try to murder you” kind of way. They have something going on and I am here for it. I could see something possibly happening. Possibly. I would really like it if it did.

What I loved was that it was set in Canada. I find that most books are set in the U.S. and reference a lot of things only Americans are very familiar with such as historical events that are smaller than full-blown wars. It was nice to actually understand what was being referenced for once, such as Red River. Not enough books are set in Canada and usually if they are they take place in Toronto or just Ontario in general. It’s a bit annoying, so this book was very refreshing.

Edit: I have an actual finished copy now and will hopefully get to it soon and actually have a good review.

DNF at 20%

I received an ARC through Netgalley

This is the first time this has ever happened to me, but I found the formatting of the ARC to be so unbearable that I just couldn't read it anymore. Whole sentences and possibly paragraphs would be cut off in the middle and I just couldn't get a proper grasp of what was happening at times that I don't feel that I can give this book a proper review given that terrible ARC. So I won't rate it this one. I might eventually read a finished copy and hopefully get up a useful review, but I don't think I can do that with this copy.