A review by celjla212
Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda


Ohhhh man. Paul Strom is one creepy dude. Control issues doesn't even begin to describe it.

Paul is a middle aged man married to a younger, beautiful wife. They live in the suburbs with two boys and he works for a huge advertising company. Paul is taking his wife Mia away for the weekend to their cottage on Lake Erie, and he has promised both her and himself that this will be the BEST DAY EVER.

I will never be able to hear those words again without an ominous tone behind them.

I truly cannot give the specifics in this review that I want to, because the delicious details that unfold in this book are what kept me turning the pages until my eyes were drooping. The story starts off with Paul and Mia on a road trip on their way to their cottage. Alone time for the couple is at a premium because they have two young boys and Mia is a stay at home mother, but Paul has planned every single detail and he is not a man that likes it when things don't go his way. As the day passes, we learn more about the truth behind this seemingly perfect couple and just what exactly Paul is willing to do to keep his life just the way he wants it.

I can't stress this enough--from the beginning of the book, I knew there was something off with Paul. The story is told from his point of view, and you quickly get the sense of what kind of man he is. He has pictured his life a certain way, and does everything in his power to get it. Mia, for her part, is a good wife and mother to her two boys. She was young when she fell for Paul's charms and soon married him, but the past ten years with him have slowly opened her eyes to the truth.

I read this book SO FAST because I knew something was coming, but I didn't know what. The author is not so subtle with the foreshadowing, but it works to help set the sinister tone of the day for Paul and Mia.

The only thing I had some issue with was the ending, as it seemed a bit anticlimactic, but the more I think about what occurred, the more it seems realistic. The uncertainly is certainly relatable for a lot of women, and chilling.

Best Day Ever is recommended for any reader who likes a story where they're not quite sure where they will end up, but they know the ride to get there will be exhilarating.