A review by mollyadaza
Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus by James Introcaso


D&D hot potato

*Disclaimer: I have only read this, have not yet run the campaign for a party

As many other reviewers have said, the party is just passed from one NPC to another until they're led to the final battle/plot. It's disconnected side quest after side quest with very few returning NPCs. This tried to do way too much and left a lot of really fantastic concepts half developed.

If you're a new DM that wants a lot of structure or you don't have time to rework a large part of the adventure, this isn't a bad module to use. The NPCs are interesting, the plot is relatively quick paced, and you'll be able to lead the party through the plot, giving them some free will but for the most part, they'll have to follow the module. This could also be helpful for a party that doesn't have a lot of initiative (ie. needs someone to lead/make decisions). But if you have strong willed players like I do, I see a lot of conflict occurring.

If you, like me, don't want to be caged in like this, be prepared to spend hours reworking the plot, especially the beginning in Baldur's Gate, to make it more of a free world for the characters. One of the biggest edits I'll be making is the character's motivations. This module never really gives a reason why this party is doing anything, other than that NPCs (who are of much higher level) tell them to. Like dude, just do it yourself. Why have level 4 characters do it? Why these characters? What do they have in common? The dark secret part is a half-@ssed attempt to tie them all together.

Once you get into Avernus, it's a string of "I'll help you if you do me a favor" from NPC to NPC. What if you have lawful good characters in the party? Are they really ok doing so many favors for demons and devils?

-It's the books way or the highway (i.e. the party is forced to do x, y, and z or be killed)
-The lore is great
-There were too many good ideas that weren't utilized well (the infernal war machines, the Wandering Emporium, the politics of the demon lords)
-Is going to take a lot of work to make it playable for my DMing style