A review by littleredhat
The Incomplete Tim Key by Tim Key


I discovered Tim Key through the TV show "Taskmaster", where the hardback edition of this book was offered as a prize. My partner surprised me by buying me the paperback edition as a gift (a version Key himself praises highly), and it made for a really fun read.

Poetry is subjective, I know, and there are few poets out there that really speak to me - Alighieri, Gorey and Coleridge being among the exceptions. Key is a new addition to that list. His book is verse for people who don't read verse. His gag-like comedic slice-of-life poems use everyday language to convey both normal and outlandish scenarios, and you're never sure if you're meant to take them seriously or not. Favourites include "Jelly" and one entire section, "The Keith Power Conundrum", which supposedly demonstrates Key's writing process.

The humour is heightened by the book's eccentric classification system, the 7 individual introductions (no, seriously - that's not just a gag for the cover), and Key's illuminating footnotes explaining various verses: sometimes quick quips, but often anecdotes that are several times longer than the piece itself.

Whether you're an avid lover of poetry or just after a few giggles, this is well worth a read.