A review by fieldofhats
Bright Wings: An Illustrated Anthology of Poems About Birds by Billy Collins

Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
2 stars. This isn’t a bad collection, and in fact the message seems quite good; exposing people to various types of birds through gorgeous illustrations and poetry seems like a fantastic idea. For me, though, it was really dull. I DNF’d this book after about 50 pages because I couldn’t bring myself to read anymore. No hate to Billy Collins, David Allen Sibley, or any of the poets who feature in the book — it’s just not for me. I love certain classic poets and poems, but these didn’t do it for me. I was interested in this book because I loved Collins’ Poetry 180 anthology and I just love his work, and it was worth giving it a try, but not worth it to finish.

If you like birds and have the attention span for classic poetry, you might like this. Otherwise, probably best to look elsewhere.