A review by zmull
Doctor Who: Father Time by Lance Parkin


Father Time is an Eighth Doctor adventure set during a period when the Doctor is living on Earth with no memory of his past and no access to the TARDIS. The other books in the arc must have dealt with the Doctor gaining knowledge of his alien background and longevity, because by the time we meet him in this story he's basically the Doctor we all know, memory or not, but without the specifics (Time-Lord, TARDIS, etc...). Given the premise of the novel -The Doctor becomes a father to an unusual ("unearthy"?) child- I was expecting something a bit slower plotwise, than what I got. This isn't a character piece. That said, it's a heck of a good story. Father Time plays out over the course of the 1980s, giving everything a depth of time not seen in many Doctor Who stories. And it takes advantage of the unlimited budget of novels for some impressive set pieces (the tower block and the roses, to cite the obvious example). This one's got a little bit of everything.