A review by tien
Did Not Finish by Simon Wood


I read a lot of mystery/crime/thriller novels however I did think this is outside of my usual comfort zone as it is set in an auto racing world. I have read 1 such book previously and found it a lot of fun but I read that because I was already familiar with the author. I must admit that I didn't particularly have much expectation on this novel but was pleasantly surprised.

Aidy Westlake arrived at the race track to rumours that Derek Deacon is going to do whatever he can to win this race and that includes killing off the favourite driver, Alex Fanning. When Alex died in the crash during the race with no witnesses and footages being hidden, Aidy suspected Derek for actually having committed a murder. While Aidy didn't know Alex well, they had a meaningful last chat just before the race and Aidy felt it unfair that a murderer should get away with this. What he didn't realise is that there are a lot of other bigger things at play and these could prove fatal to him and his loved ones.

Did Not Finish proved to be rather fast & easy read. I'm thankful there wasn't too much technical motor terms and while I never really fell for the red herring (it was dangled way too many times to be convincing as a red herring), it was still a pretty good thriller.