A review by sil_the_lobster
Past Imperfect by Fletcher DeLancey


This one. Ah. I’m torn in half. Fletcher DeLancey is one hell of a great writer and storyteller, and boy does she know her scifi. Even more so, does she know the Star Trek universe. I loved the geeky bits and the adventure story to bits. Her world-building is something else, and I loved the Tsian and Santori storyline. I especially loved how Janeway didn’t swan in to solve all of their problems for them. She very gently nudged a door open but didn’t push anyone through. That was cleverly done!

I also enjoyed reading about some of my favourite Voyager characters, Seven and Tuvok and B’Ellana, and she’s got them spot on. I could almost see Seven raising her eyebrows at Lynne, and hear Tuvok point out the benefits of proper security training. And Neelix and his “Turnover Delight”? Still laughing about that one! Oh, and Q was there, too! Who doesn’t equally love and hate Q? He’s such a pain and so smug and so intolerable, but also fun and charming in a weird way.

So yeah, I much much loved the Star Trek bits. But then there is the romance part, and that I was uncomfortable with. Not because it’s badly written, and not because I’m uncomfortable when reading sex scenes, hell no I’m not. But the thing is, well, how do I put it? I find it difficult picturing Captain Janeway in a romantic relationship. She’s a formidable woman and she’s far from cold, unattractive or anything that would make her an undesirable partner. But in my headcanon (to borrow a standard fandom term) she’s somewhat asexual. That’s probably because we see her as the ship’s captain – controlled, self-disciplined, with high moral standards and impeccable manners. Most of the time. Unless she loses her temper. Then add fearsome to the list. Of course there’s a private side to her, has to be, even the most formidable captain has a life. I know that and yet I had a massive problem wrapping my head around the concept of Lynne and Janeway. And their big talking scene? “It was my fault.” “No, it was my fault.” “I beg to differ but I’m the one to blame.” – ugh, that was very annoying. I think it’s one of the very few things I have in common with men: I hate discussing my feelings to death. And I hate it when others do it. You state what’s up, you discuss some, and that’s it. All that endless back and forth just won’t do for me, and I skipped through most of that passage.

Still, I’m giving four out of five stars for the brilliant storytelling and world-building (although it’s fanfiction and the rules have been set already, a good author will always add elements to what’s given and thus makes it even more interesting, and Fletcher is a very good author), and I’m much looking forward to reading the rest of the Voyager stories.