A review by bookrantreviews
Her Three Lives by Cate Holahan


To the public, Jade’s a popular social media influencer. At home, she’s the loving fiancé to wealthy architect Greg and a joyous expectant mother. But Jade’s harboring secrets from her past, ones that she fears would change the way her fiancé sees her and damage their relationship. When a brutal home invasion causes Jade to miscarry and leaves Greg with a traumatic brain injury, both are determined to protect themselves and find out who is responsible. While the attack forces Jade to revisit her past to look for the perpetrators, Greg turns hi-tech, installing security cameras all over their home to prevent another attack from intruders — or maybe even from the woman he loves.

Take your anxiety meds before reading this one! Brimming with betrayal, suspicion, and doubt, “Her Three Lives” might be Cate Holahan’s best yet. An highly addictive page turner, it explores the fragility of trust and how well we truly know those we love. Jade has secrets, but they’re meant to protect her life with Greg, not harm it . However, her odd behavior after the attack makes Greg wonder what she’s hiding and if she’s the one who intends him harm. A shred of doubt turns into a mountain of mistrust when his grown daughter’s suspicions confirm and compound his own. Greg has blind spots when it comes to the people he cares for the most, choosing to see only what he wants. It’s Jade’s secrets and Greg’s blind spots that ultimately create the conflict in the story (as well as the anxiety) and make it so compelling.

It’s often said that the greatness of a story is in the telling. That couldn’t be more true with this book. “Her Three Lives” is fraught with multiple layers of tension that only intensify as the novel progresses. There’s tension within Jade as she tries to hide her secrets and protect Greg from them at the same time. There’s also tension between the characters, and tension in some of the scenes as you bite your nails, anxious to find out what happens next. Tension fills the overall story too. Both Greg and Jade feel watched — and not just from the cameras. You can’t help but hold your breath at times when you read, expecting the attackers to jump out from the shadows to finish the job they started. It creates a sense of urgency as you read.

Not as fast paced as it is intense and intriguing. Not as twisty as it is highly suspenseful from scene to scene, chapter to chapter, and beginning to end. “Her Three Lives” is an exciting read that grabbed me by my attention span from the very first page. I love well written domestic suspense novels, but I find a lot of them cliched. Not “Her Three Lives”. It checked off all my boxes and did the one thing I love for a book to do: kept me reading way past my bedtime because I couldn’t put it down.

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing and Cate Holahan for the gifted ARC.