A review by legs_mcgee
Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic by Katherine Cross, Aria Sa’id, Isz Janeway, Rachel K. Zall, Paige Bryony, Frances Stewart, Daemyn Edward Hamilton, Rian J. Lloyd, Andi Grace, Rae Walker, Adonis Alvarez, Tobi Hill-Meyer, Drew Cordes, Ahi Wi-Hongi, Eric Emily Satchwill, Hal Schrieve, Pretty Eyes Ellis, D. Scarborough, Teddy Broadbent, Rachel King, Bogi Takács, Shawna Logue, Rocket, Morgan M. Page, Venyamína MacIvèrra, John Squire, Cyd Nova, Luna Merbruja, Ryley Knowles, Allison Kapitein


For an erotic collection... the emotional/tonal whiplash between some stories was pretty intense. Obviously, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes, but a good portion of these stories weren't erotic at all. At times, it felt like this was less a tonally coherent collection than an opportunity to showcase trans writers - which I love! but wish it were more accurately advertised as such. I will say that when the stories were hot they were smokin' hot, but every time I would love a story, I would be dropped into the next story to which I felt either ambivalent or entirely turned off from.