A review by togidemi
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith


If I'd read this before "The Sun is Also a Star", I could've maybe rated this higher. BUT I couldn't help that that book handled love at first sight much more elegantly than this, and had a much more compelling romance.

Without unfair comparisons, though, I do stand that the romance was pretty bland. The dialogue was cute, certainly, but I didn't feel like Oliver was fleshed out enough to justify falling for him.

What I really appreciate about this book, though, was Hadley and her relationship with her dad. It's very messy and realistic and angsty, and while I wasn't super on board with the resolution - I'm apparently a bitter asshole, sue me - I like how it was built up to that point. The warmth felt EARNED.

Unlike those kisses with Oliver amiRITE