A review by hades9stages
On Ethics and Economics by Amartya K. Sen


I was not a fan of this one. On Ethics and Economics presents a thoughtful exploration of the interplay between ethics and economic theory. Within this work, Sen delves into the ethical foundations that underpin economic analysis, discussing how moral considerations should influence economic policies and decisions.

He proposes an approach that integrates ethical values, social welfare, and individual freedoms into economic reasoning, advocating for a broader understanding of human well-being beyond traditional economic indicators.

So good so far.

However, Sen's approach, while acknowledging the importance of social justice and individual well-being, falls short in addressing structural issues inherent in capitalist systems.

Sen's capability approach, although emphasizing the importance of broader measures beyond income, does not challenge, and barely acknowledges the fundamental structures of capitalism, and the inherent contradictions and exploitative nature of capitalist economies, fostering an unequal distribution of resources, wealth accumulation, and the perpetuation of class divisions.

Emphasis on expanding individual freedoms and capabilities within existing capitalist systems fails to address the root causes of inequality and exploitation. This doesn’t have to be the case, but it is with this book. Sen's approach offers palliative solutions without fundamentally challenging the economic structures that sustain inequality and alienation.

A more radical transformation of the economic system, seeking to dismantle capitalist structures in favor of a more equitable and collectively oriented society, is dismissed in this book without explanation. Id have at least liked to have seen the advocacy for systemic change, rather than incremental reforms within the existing capitalist framework, aiming for a more fundamental restructuring of society to address the underlying economic and social injustices.