A review by cooki3_monst3r
The High King's Tomb by Kristen Britain


I love Kristen Britain’s writing and this book didn’t disappoint. It’s not my favorite of the series, but still great!

My main complaints are about characters, especially Estora. She whines. All. The. Time. She needs to stop or just get out of Karigan’s way and happiness.

Fergal was infuriating at the beginning, but now I love to hate him (the doofus).

Condor is marvelous as always. If he were a man, my heart would hurt less for my girl Karigan.

Let us all just give a bow to Fastion. If you’ve read all the books, you know what I’m talking about. That guy knows some stuff that he’s not sharing …

Mapquest (it’s what I call her, I know it’s incorrect) needs to take some serious steps back and mind her own freakin’ business. I want to like her, but she gets worse with each book (this one is just the beginning