A review by ariadne_exc
Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life by Matthew Shepard, Elysha Dicks, Matthew Dicks


I loved this book. It got me up and changing things from the start. It got me to question whether my perspectives and patterns of thought and behaviour are serving or hindering me on my day-to-day.

That said, beware that if you don't take it up with a somewhat clear or defined goal or dream, it might not be a good fit for you right now. I personally do not have a clear dream or thing that I want to get done, so at some points I was left questioning whether his advice is a bit too intense for me. But the more you know [the better], I guess. This is also pointed out in the prologue and afterword as well. Additionally, the author has an ego. It wasn't as obnoxious as I was expecting, and I like his dry humour, so that helped, but if you really can't stand people that are a bit full of themselves... maybe read a sample before going for the purchase.