A review by g8girl
Guilds & Glaives by Jenna Rhodes, Howard Andrew Jones, James Enge


Guilds and Glaives edited by S.C. Butler

Actual rating of twelve books (two I skipped so I didn't count them towards my overall rating) came out to 3.79 so I rounded up to 4.

A very interesting assortment of short stories. Lots of both Guilds and Glaives present.
My favorites from this anthology are:

Book Six:
Footprints of the Hound by Violette Malan 4.5 Stars
This book is the reason I bought the anthology. I wanted more Dhulyn and Parno and Malan didn't disappoint!

Book Seven:
The Witch That Wasn't by Leah Webber 5 stars
A hilarious case of
Spoilermistaken identity
, told with humour, both engaging and clever. Really liked this one.

Book Nine:
Blood and Onyx by R.K. Nickel 4.5 stars
Just plain cool body swapping blood magic. Give me more!

Book Thirteen:
Assassinsssss by Jason Palmatier 4 stars
I didn't really expect to like this one about teenage assassins and BAFE (Best Assassin Friend Ever!) but it was actually pretty interesting and funny to boot!

Book Fourteen:
Those Who Look Back by Amelia Sirina 4.5 stars
Such and interesting concept for a magic system, I'm not actually 100% sure I understood it all but I would love to read more on this and get a better grasp of it.

While short stories aren't normally my thing, I'm glad Ms. Malan wrote for this anthology because I got some really fun reads out of it aside from hers. Lots of the other books were enjoyable as well but I've only listed my favorites (ones above 4 stars) here.