A review by bookfever
Embarkations by Liz Duffy Adams, Delia Sherman


I'm so very excited about this new serial written by various authors! It's the first serial I've come across that is historical fiction and I'm, as some people might know, a bit of a history nerd... okay, a HUGE history nerd... so I couldn't help but like this first part of Whitehall so, so much.

Whitehall, season 1, episode 1: Embarkations is set in 1662 and is about Catherine of Braganza and her marriage to King Charles II of England and is written by Liz Duffy Adams and Delia Sherman. Both are new-to-me authors but I really liked their writing because it really felt like it took me to the era in which this story takes place.

As this story takes place in 17th century England there is of course a lot of political intrigue, scandal and there is never a boring moment. The character all are intriguing in their own way from Catherine herself to King Charles II to his mistress Barbara Palmer to the ambitious Jenny.

I, for one, am very excited to read all the other parts in this 13-part serial. If they're all as good as Embarkations was, then I'm sure I've found my new favorite story.