A review by ali_runs_and_reads
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley


🎧 The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley 

I am lucky enough to be traveling on a last minute trip to Paris to meet up with my husband who will be there for work. This book has been in my radar for awhile so I thought this was the perfect time to pick it up! Jess has run away from London to come stay with her brother Ben. Only when she arrives, he is nowhere to be found and something about his apartment building is just not right. The people there definitely know something about what happened to Ben, but they’re not talking, and Jess is determined to find out what happened to her brother. Lucy Foley is a slow burn author. She does not write fast paced thrillers with lots of twists. She build and builds the mystery and then reveals. Some of it I figured out early on, but overall I enjoyed the way the story unfolded.