A review by cosymilko
The Gunslinger by Stephen King


I love to read Stephen King. I don't mind the sometimes long-winded descriptions he does. If you're wanting something incredibly fasted he's not for you.

This is his baby. And it shows. He's written himself out onto the pages. I loved this more than I did Insomnia and that is saying something because I read Insomnia once a year.

I did read the revised version and as such I can only comment on that. I loved it. I loved the fantasy of this world without it being all Tolkien-esque. It really gripped me from the first line, "The man in black fled into the desert and the gunslinger followed". What's not to love about a good adventure, some world saving, some sacrifices and a whole lot of King-isms.

I can barely wait because I want to tear through this series and then read it and savour every word.

I loved the climax of this book. It was everything it was building up to be and I *know* the next six books will build on this fabulously!