A review by reneesmith
Larkspur Cove by Lisa Wingate


“If you’re lucky enough to be at the lake, you’re lucky enough.”~welcome sign, Moses Lake~

Larkspur Cove by Lisa Wingate is a sweet story about the people who inhabit tiny Moses Lake, Texas. The relaxed pace of this novel gave me the feeling I was on vacation at just such a spot—with all the time in the world to enjoy the everyday goings on of the folksy characters.

At first the people in the town seem like a group of ‘no one specials,’ some might even call them losers . . . a single-for-life game warden, pushy reverend, bitter divorced mom, rebellious teen, old man whose brain doesn’t “work too good anymore,” and timid little girl who never speaks. But as the story progresses, their inner beauty shines. The townsfolk have been especially judgmental of Len, the misunderstood old man who is trying to make a home for his granddaughter in spite of his disabilities. I loved the scenes where Mart, Andrea, and the Rev begin to see Len as someone cherished by God, someone of value.

It was equally touching when long-time single Mart takes a chance on falling in love. Or when Andrea, the bitter divorced mom, realizes how wrong her attitude toward the Lord has been. She muses . . .

“I’d been so certain that a perfectly smooth, perfectly predictable, perfectly blessed life was my rightful inheritance for having been a regular churchgoer, a volunteer, a devoted mother, and a good and faithful servant. When the road turned rocky, I was angry that I’d been robbed of what I deserved. What I was owed. I was like one of those spoiled kids—the ones who had everything and took it all for granted.”

For truly God owes us nothing yet showers us with blessings. As James reminds us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

This book somehow brought to mind Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, a play that celebrates the special treasure that is everyday life.

I didn’t want to leave my new friends at Larkspur Cove when their story ended. With little fanfare, they’d crept into my heart. Don’t miss out on getting to know them, too!

I advise you to purchase a copy of the book for yourself. Then save it for day when you need a fresh view of the ordinary people who share your life!