A review by mussa
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


Not only my new favourite book of all time, but hands down the best piece of fiction I’ve ever consumed. God, I devoured this book like no other. I’m afraid Brandon Sanderson, in writing such an epic book, has ruined all future experiences of stories for me. Surely nothing can top this right? Right? It’s hard to believe a mere human came up with the world in which this book takes place. I would, however, be lying if I said I enjoyed this book as much as I did throughout it’s entirety. The (roughly) third quarter of the book made me feel like all these hundreds and hundreds of pages and worldbuilding were leading to an anticlimactic ending. And I was disappointed to be left wondering who the main antagonist of the story was (I love a good antagonist) and when they would appear. Quickly, my disappointment was put to rest and I entered the climax and final arc (so to speak) of this absolutely epic book. My goodness the last 300 or so pages were disgustingly addictive. I really have no words to describe how euphoric of a reading experience it was. I laughed hysterically, audibly gasped, cried and yelled out, all on multiple occasions, while getting through the last quarter of this book. My innocent cat who was victim to my outbursts can attest. Anyways, I’m so happy to have read this masterpiece and I’ll be reading no other fictional works except Mr. Sanderson’s, in hopes of feeling what I felt reading this again. Until I have nothing left of his to consume at least. What a genius, creative, intelligent and artistic, author. And what a book. Higher levels of escapism have never been reached in all my 22 years and 8 months of living before this book. 10/5 stars.

I would defend Kaladin and Dalinar with my life. I won’t go into how much I enjoyed the characters in this book or else I’ll never stop typing. Some of the best characters and arcs I’ve come across, ever. So unbelievably excited to see more or them, especially Szeth.