A review by retiredhsmom
Shifters in the Spring by Ellis Leigh, Edith Hawkes, Elianne Adams, Scarlett Grove, J.K. Harper, Alyse Zaftig, Jacqueline Sweet, Liv Brywood, Cynthia Fox, Claire Ryann, Anya Nowlan, Auriella Skye, Gen Géricault, Ariana Hawkes, J.M. Klaire, Olivia Arran


OMGoodness! Where to start?

I really enjoyed this anthology! I think out of the 16 stories I only had a couple I slogged through the rest were wonderful! I was pleasantly surprised as anthologies are often hit or miss. As it was 99¢ I figured if I only enjoyed one story that was well worth the money and time. Lucky me, I enjoyed almost all of them.

I think my favorite was "Something Weasel This Way Comes" by Cynthia Fox. I was initially turned off by the weasel shifter, but the story was great. I am definitely going to read more by Ms. Fox.

Next would be "His Secret Dragon" by Elianne Adams and "Protector Wolf" by J.K. Harper. I also enjoyed "Kissed by the Cowbear" by Liv Brywood, "The Bearfield Baby Heist" by Jacqueline Sweet, and "Baby Mine" by Ellis Leigh.

I'm definitely going to be looking into reading more by these authors.

The only negatives were some editing errors found in a few of the stories. Nothing that couldn't be overcome, but they did cause me to wince initially.