A review by diz_tn
Critical Error by Murray McDonald


A plot that is not in any remote way believable, copious grammatical errors, and too many cliches to count.

I don't know anything about this author, but by his use (and misuse) of cliche after cliche, I could only assume he is not a natural American English speaker. I won't even give you examples. Just take a look at the sample or use the peek inside feature on Amazon, and you'll see what I mean.

The lack of editing was not quite enough to make me quit reading - I'm stubborn like that - but it did make me want to throw my kindle across the room in frustration. Incorrect and unexplained shortened versions of words (e.g. speedo, which I could only assume meant speedometer from the context?), wrongly capitalized words (Carrier, as in a type of ship), dizzying spells of head hopping - you name a writing error, you can find it in this book.