A review by judithdcollins
A Bend of Light by Joy Jordan-Lake


Joy Jordan-Lake returns following [b:Under a Gilded Moon|52128630|Under a Gilded Moon|Joy Jordan-Lake|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1600326597l/52128630._SY75_.jpg|75752487] with A BEND OF LIGHT —set in a quaint coastal Maine fishing village in the 1950s, post–World War II America, a blending of historical fiction and tantalizing mystery as the dark secrets of the past and present are unraveled.

Amie is a photo interpreter, having served as a WAC in England during WWII and is returning to her hometown in Maine five years after the war.

Shibby Travis, the surrogate mother (who raised her) with whom Amie never lost touch is there, and she looks forward to reconnecting. On her way to meet her, she spots a car (Bentley) parked on railroad tracks in the path of an approaching train. She manages to push him off the tracks, but he disappears without a word which haunts her.

As she begins her life in Pelican Cove, several disturbing events will lead to an ongoing mystery to be solved.

A six-year-old boy named Chester
abandoned with a note outside of a cafe
A dead body in a barn
A Vet with PTSD suddenly reappears
A maroon Bentley and mysterious driver
Attempted murder of a beautiful young stranger.

Aime uses her trained skills to see what others cannot as she unravels the mystery, searching for clues to expose the dark secrets. She wants to protect this child while helping to solve a crime and the motives behind the crime. While doing so, she must confront her painful secret past.

From loss, war, and despair to joy, love, and redemption.

As always, Joy is a pro with her meticulous research, historical facts, and lyrical prose. Her characters are well developed and highly relatable, and her settings are vivid and descriptive, drawing you into the world of the 1950s, which is one I grew up in and find fascinating.

I enjoyed learning more about the intriguing photo interpreters, and the author includes further reading. It is interesting to see how those skills relate to her investigative ones.

If you enjoy mysteries and historical fiction, this is for you!

"What we remember, she thought, looking out to where the lights of the shops played over the harbor, is so much like that, bouncing and refracting, leaving some things bright and glittering, some things shadowed and blurred. Even that, though, could be healing and good."

A special thank you to Lake Union and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Blog Review Posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Sept 6, 2022
My Rating: 4 Stars
Sep 2022 Must-Read Books