A review by bookfessional
No Place Like Home by Seanan McGuire


Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

0.03 - No Place Like Home

4.0 stars

This short takes place after Jonathan and Fran leave the no-longer-in-a-hell-dimension train, but skips ahead three months to the day when they finally arrive at the Healy home.

It's as lovely:

She's left Arizona with a man she barely knew, all because he looked at a monster and saw a miracle--a miracle that was about to eat them, but a miracle all the same. The talking mice didn't hurt. How could she have stayed behind, when there were things like this in the world?

As it is heartbreaking. While it's clear that Fran is utterly uncomfortable in the presence of a loving family, she's got enough moxie to hold her own . . .

I think it's safe to say that Verity takes after her grandma Fran. Though it must be said, Jonathan's mother Enid is no shrinking violet.

I love these Baker/Healy/Price women.

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