A review by mollywetta
Dreams and Shadows by C. Robert Cargill


With a cover, title, and synopsis like that, I was very intrigued by this debut novel. Luckily, it did not disappoint. I was instantly swept away in the magic and horror of this world. Part dreamy fairy tale and part guide to the nether realm, this book is perfect for readers looking for some urban fantasy that is more thoughtful, nuanced, and well-written than something like, oh, the Fever series.

The blurb doesn’t exactly tell you what this book is about, and I’m not going to even try and summarize the plot. I’m taking the Flannery O’Connor way out of that question by saying you just have to read it.

Okay, maybe I’ll give a few hints. This is a book review, after all.

This is a story of two boys, and a slew of supernatural creatures, including fairies, goblins, djinn, angels, and tricksters gods set a against a magical realm superimposed on our own just outside Austin, Texas. With equal parts philosophy and gore, this will satisfy those who enjoy thoughtful reflections as well as reader who prefer lots of action.

In between chapters of Ewan and Colby’s story are “nonfiction” sections that explain the history of the supernatural. While these sections were interesting, they did slow down the progression of the plot, and at times, duplicated it or “spoiled” what would happen in the next chapter. This also affected the pacing, which was uneven.

I enjoyed the writing style, which was a welcome reprieve from the simpler styles often seen in young adult literature, and the world-building was excellent, if overwhelming at times. It was moving, scary, funny, and overall, it was a satisfying read. It certainly inspired some crazy nightmares, and I won’t be going camping any time soon, especially while visiting my best friend in Austin.