A review by si0bhan
The 45% Hangover by Stuart MacBride


I’m always tentative when it comes to reading nonessential short stories that go with any series I love. However, after reading and loving Partners in Crime, I knew I would need to give The 45% Hangover a try. After all, it promised more Steel and McRae banter – something I’m always down to read.

I’ll be honest, at first I wasn’t overly pulled in. I was interested, yes, but it didn’t quite have the magic of the two Partners in Crime short stories that had left me walking around with my phone attached to my hand and people bumping into me in stores. Thus, I was a wee bit disappointed at first. I had been crossing my fingers that I would be given another almost five stars read, or even my first ever five star short story.

Fortunately, part way through things changed. I was pulled into the story, unable to pull my eyes away from my phone screen for any period of time. I was curious as to what was coming next, desperate to see how things played out. Moreover, by the end of the story I was in absolute stitches. I really couldn’t stop the giggling with the last part of the story. Honestly, MacBride created such an amusing scenario. He really does outdo himself all the time.

All in all, it was a fun little short story. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the prior Logan McRae short stories, but I had fun with it. It’s certainly worth reading if you’re a fan of the series.