A review by bookishrabbit
Quoth the Raven by Steven R. Southard, A.A. Azariah-Kribbs, Sidney Williams, Donea Weaver, Emerian Rich, Lyn Worthen, Chris Abela, Lawrence Berry, Aryan Bollinger, Amber Fallon, Susan McCauley, Edward Ahern, Brian Ellis, Sonora Taylor, Amelia Gorman, Melanie Cossey


A solid collection. There were four stories I really didn't like and I wasn't a huge fan of the poetry, but some really great gems in here.


My Love, In Pieces by Tiffany Michelle Brown

Tooth and Nail by Vicki Weisfeld

Marcela by Penelope Paling

The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar by Matthew M. Montelione

My Annabel by Emerian Rich