A review by zade
Flash by Tim Tigner


First off, I have to admit that I listened to this book only because it was on sale and Dick Hill narrates it. I'd listen to Dick Hill read binary code. That said, it turned out to be an enjoyable, if somewhat predictable, thriller. The basic premise--the hero and heroine must find out who erased their memories and why before the bad guys kill them--is not as sci-fi-ish as it sounds and the book is not sci-fi at all. It's straight-forward thriller in the tradition of Ludlum and most of the plot elements are well within the reality of that genre. There are more than a few points that stretch credibility and I personally could do very well without a romance subplot, but those characteristics, too, are par for the genre. Although other reviewers have compared this book to the Bourne series, I found it vaguely reminiscent of Thomas Perry's work, which for me is a great positive.

This is an entertaining, decently written book that will keep your attention and give you several hours of fun.