A review by vingilot
A Choice of Futures by Christopher L. Bennett


The federation has been formed, but what exactly is the Federation? That is a question Admiral Archer wrestles with, as forces inside and out try and force the Federation into boxes that it does not quite fit into.

Enterprise had a lot of one off encounters with interesting phenomena, or races that were never further explained because the story was not truly about them. This book aims to rectify some of that, by exploring the Mushroom headed "silent Enemy" in some more depth. Of course this too is merely the setting for a larger struggle over what the federation should be. As the newly united Starfleet leads an even larger coalition of ships into investigating disappearances, darker forces are seeming involved in pressuring the federation to take a more militaristic stance.

This was a great read, the world building is top notch, and the inclusion of the NX refit design, now dubbed the Colombia class was a real treat. As was the inclusion of one Tobin Dax. Christopher L bennet was a great choice to take the helm of the post Romulan War Enterprise books.