A review by paddlefoot55
Always You by Denise Grover Swank


ARC received for an honest review

Make an appointment with your dentist, as Always You is so darn sweet it will give you a toothache!

This is my first Denise Grover Swank read, and even though this is book 3 in a series it did not affect my enjoyment.

This is a sweet and tender second chance romance, as we all have that one that got away, and we are full of what ifs, right.

Matt has got to be the sweetest, most patient guy I have ever read. I know that if things played out in my life like they did in his, I would not handle it as good as him.

Anna is adorable too, with a lot of baggage she is carrying around in her head and her heart.

I do like Matt and Anna together, but to me it felt a bit rushed how they got back together. I mean, after all that happened it felt like "hi, you're back, let's get together" -but this could just be me.

There are great secondary characters, a story that flows and makes your heart fill with hope.

I will now need to go back and read the first 2 books in this series.

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