A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Doctor Who: Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories by Eoin Colfer, Charlie Higson, Richelle Mead, Alex Scarrow, Derek Landy, Philip Reeve, Patrick Ness, Marcus Sedgwick, Neil Gaiman, Michael Scott, Malorie Blackman


4 stars. I reviewed all eleven stories individually so this is going to be really long.

The First Doctor: A Big Hand for the Doctor by Eoin Colfer - ★★
This was fine. I liked the adventure but the character didn’t feel right and the pop culture references didn’t work as this is about the First Doctor but there was a mention of Hogwarts? It took me completely out of the story. Nothing special but I didn’t hate it. This definitely should’ve been a lot stronger to kick off the collection though.

The Second Doctor: The Nameless City by Michael Scott - ★★★
Very fun. I enjoyed this one a lot more. The Doctor and his companion, Jamie were charming and the adventure was fun. I wouldn’t have minded if this had been a little bit longer just to get more of it.

The Third Doctor: The Spear of Destiny by Marcus Sedgwick ★★★★
Really good story. Follows the Doctor and his companion, Jo, as they try to steal an artifact from a museum. It’s got some really cool action and the characters were great. My favorite one so far.

The Fourth Doctor: The Roots of Evil by Philip Reeve ★★★
Felt way too rushed. It was a fun read but I wanted more of it because the adventure that the Doctor and Leela go on is really interesting but it wraps up really quickly and felt kind of incomplete.

The Fifth Doctor: Tip of the Tongue by Patrick Ness ★★★★★
Loved this one a lot. The characters were great and though the Doctor doesn’t show up until late in the story I didn’t even mind that because the plot was so cool and the characters of Jonny, Nettie, and Nyssa were able to carry the story themselves. The writing was also really good.

The Sixth Doctor: Something Borrowed by Richelle Mead ★★★★
So great to read something by Richelle Mead. I adore her writing so much. This was fun but not enough of the Doctor’s personality got to shine here and the companion, Peri wasn’t the most interesting. Still a really fun adventure. I was just expecting more but it’s good for what it is.

The Seventh Doctor: The Ripple Effect by Malorie Blackman ★★★★★
This one might have been a bit too on the nose with the message but damn was it a good read. The Doctor and Ace were both great characters and I absolutely loved the plot. They have to go back and right the time paradox they go through where the Daleks are good and nice and loved. The Doctor faces his prejudices against them and it was all very well done. Loved the writing and I wish this had been a full length novel. So good.

The Eighth Doctor: Spore by Alex Scarrow ★★★★
Very action packed from beginning to end. Really good and I liked the writing. Felt a teeny bit rushed though and would’ve benefited greatly if it had been just a few pages longer. The plot was really cool though and I liked how it wrapped up.

The Ninth Doctor: The Beast of Babylon by Charlie Higson ★★★★
Very good and I absolutely adored the ending and how it sets up the introduction to Rose. The writing was good and the plot was fun. I will say that Ali was kind of annoying at times but not enough so for me to knock a star off of my rating. I have such a special place in my heart for the Ninth Doctor (played by the underrated Christopher Eccleston) as it was this revival series that got me into the show. This was just a good time all around.

The Tenth Doctor: The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage by Derek Landy ★★★★
Really enjoyed this one. Was surprised to see that the companion was Martha instead of Rose (because honestly who is more iconic than Tenth Doctor & Rose? That’s right, nobody) but I wasn’t mad about it at all. Martha was great. This was fun and had such a fairytale vibe to it which I really liked. This one also had some witty banter between the Doctor and Martha wich was great. Fun read.

The Eleventh Doctor: Nothing O’Clock by Neil Gaiman ★★★★★
I’m always blown away by Gaiman’s writing and this short story was no different. I love Amy and Rory and thought the plot was really unique. I think he really nailed the dynamics of all of the characters which I always appreciate. The ending was great as well. Just a really well done story but that might just be me being biased because Neil Gaiman is my favorite author but whatever.

Overall, this was a really entertaining collection of short stories. Not all of them worked but majority of them were awesome. My favorites were definitely the stories by Patrick Ness, Malorie Blackman, and Neil Gaiman.