A review by curiousnico
No Passengers Beyond This Point by Gennifer Choldenko


I received this in the mail just after christmas as an ARC from the publishers, I had a bit of trouble actually getting into this book, i didn't feel like it took hold of me and pulled me in. while usually one can gain a fair bit of insight and point of views when the POV alternates with each chapter, I find it impersonal, and confusing because it makes it a bit difficult to focus when reading the book. (i had the same issue with bleed Laurie Faria Stolarz. each chapter was told from a different characters point of view and it made it difficult to focus or even really pay attention to what was going on in the book because you were too busy trying to remember who's point of view it was from.) I had the same issue with this book as well, and maybe thats why it was hard for be to focus or really get into it which is why it took me so long to read. aside from that its pretty simple. they're told by their mother that they have to leave to live with their uncle, they board a plane, land and realize that they're in a place they aren't supposed to be. basically, they're supposed to be in denver, and meet with their uncle; but when they land they feel like they aren't where they're supposed to be. I don't really want o say much else, as you'll have to read it for yourself. i will say though, that i'm not exactly a fan of it; but everyone gains their own opinion about things so..pick it up and give it a shot, you might like it. as for me, i give it two stars. =\