A review by claudiaswisher
7 Days at the Hot Corner by Terry Trueman


Scott is a baseball player -- third base; he plays the hot corner. These 7 days, tho, are about more than baseball. He starts the week by going to a clinic to be tested for AIDS. He tries to keep his worries from his divorced parents, and his best friend, Travis. Scott uses baseball as the metaphor through which he sees everything in his life. This fast moving novel lets us really get to know Scott -- the sweet kid, the disloyal friend, the confused son, the star baseball player. Trueman has created a character...in fact several characters...I really care about. The issues here are ones all high school students will relate to. I loved the strong sports connections, and think it will be a selling point for guys.

Side note. In the acknowledgements, Trueman thanks Crutch (gotta be Crutcher) and Terry Davis (of VISION QUEST fame, who gave Crutcher his first break). Trueman's from the same area...I wonder if this is the new hotbed of YA novelists who write for guys...