A review by angelsrgorgeous
The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky


Wow - there is quite a bit of truth in here!

Dostoyevsky continues to impress me with both the depth of his subjects and the eloquence with which he explores them:

"There exists no greater or more painful anxiety for a
man who has freed himself from all religious bias, than how he
shall soonest find a new object or idea to worship. But man seeks
to bow before that only which is recognized by the greater
majority, if not by all his fellow-men, as having a right to be
worshiped; whose rights are so unquestionable that men agree
unanimously to bow down to it. For the chief concern of these
miserable creatures is not to find and worship the idol of their
own choice, but to discover that which all others will believe
in, and consent to bow down to in a mass. "