A review by alexblackreads
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead


I enjoyed this so much. Whitehead's writing style is fantastic and he does such a great job at capturing people during moments of their lives. This is such a horrifying story and he breaks your heart with all the details.

My biggest issue was how short this was. I wanted to fall in love and feel connect to the story, but everything in it was so brief that I felt like I was being kept at a distance. The twist at the ending would have been fantastic if I'd been deeply entrenched in the characters, but I wasn't. This book felt like it needed another hundred pages to fully tell this story.

I really look forward to reading Colson Whitehead again, perhaps with a slightly longer book. This has also made me really want to pick up Erin Kimmerle's nonfiction book about the real life school this was based on.