A review by 11corvus11
Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do about It by Lierre Keith, Derrick Jensen, Max Wilbert


This book met my expectations given that Jensen and Keith are both transphobic authors who exclude large parts of "the environmental movement" from being able to participate. When there are decent critiques offered, they are overshadowed by the reality in which "the environmental movement" they seek is only for some people, while putting others in danger. There is also a major exclusion of other animals since Keith has a long history of making statements funded by the Weston A Price foundation that even many non-vegan people see right through. People who encourage the world to eat more yuppie grass fed animal flesh that the planet can't sustain now, let alone in the future, when animal agribusiness is the top destroyer of animal lives and top contributor to climate change, make little sense. It's preposterous and anti-science enough that I'd laugh if the planet weren't on fire around me.

There are better books out there on these topics that don't involve excluding large swathes of marginalized people or the spread of further misinformation.