A review by mehitabels
The Property by Rutu Modan


This was an excellent birthday gift from my superhero friend, a reminder that the effects of war never seems to end. No matter how much I want the world to be a better place, it is still filled with the hate and damage that people inflict so casually upon huge numbers of their own species.

This is a memoir comic, with the rounded hardness of memory made humorous. A horrible reminder of life stripped of meaning by bigotry and racism. A gently prodding reprimand of the inconsistent youth and their treatment of the aged. The long-lasting effects of diaspora and the meaning of home are underlying riptides to the story.

It sounds serious, and the after effect is serious, but the story reads quickly and sweetly and funny. It will be familiar and liked by fans of [bc:Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood|9516|Persepolis The Story of a Childhood (Persepolis, #1-2)|Marjane Satrapi|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327884892s/9516.jpg|3303888].