A review by buttonsandbooks
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer


I picked this up because I saw so many great reviews and it was on sale with Audible. Why not?

Evie needs a job to support her family. Her father is ill with an incurable disease that is sickening their entire town. Despite her better judgment, she decides to get a job as assistant to the town villain. He's wanted for many a murder. He's clearly dangerous. But she needs this job. As she works for him and gets to know him, she sees another side of the man. And for his part, the villain recognizes something in Evie that he can't seem to escape. 

I couldn't get into this to save my life. I thought it was just me until my good friend told me she was struggling as well. I don't know why, but this just felt like it dragged on and on for me.
